REVIVAL ARIZONA is led by Pastor Jason Anderson, who has traveled the world, leading revival for crowds approaching 50,000 people in nations including Uganda, India, Vietnam, and more. He has seen God move, demons flee, blind eyes open, the lame walking, depression healed, and the Power of God manifest in many other miraculous ways.
Revival for Arizona was birthed in Jason's heart in 2004 while in Hyderabad, India; the Spirit broke out in power and miracles, and Pastor Jason said in his heart, "We need this back home." In February of 2020, following a revival in Gulu, Uganda, the Lord gave Jason Anderson and Apostle Grace Lubega of Phaneroo Ministries a vision that it was time to start. REVIVAL ARIZONA will play a vital role in this process. So, join us, and release the Giant--Jesus the Christ--within yourself and into our world. Revival is now!
Each of us has seen and felt the enemy's attack, but did you know that there is a giant on the inside of you, just waiting to be awoken?
Following the horrific attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
It’s time to wake up the sleeping giants inside all of us. When Jesus was asleep in the bow of a boat during a terrible storm, the Disciples, fearing death, woke him up. What changed when He awoke? Everything. EVERYTHING changed. When we face rising waters or the fires of life, it's easy to feel inadequate and not up to the task. Worry, anxiety, and fear try to imprison us, controlling what we can and can't do. As a result, we find ourselves broken, struggling in relationships, in a marriage that isn't what it could be, with kids headed in the wrong direction. Our state is in trouble, and the news broadcasts a message of division. It's time to stand up.
"When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) WE are that standard.
REVIVAL ARIZONA is mobilizing believers to manifest the miraculous. We meet weekly on Thursdays to worship the Lord, grow in the Word and in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and learn to manifest the Power of God in our daily lives. Our weekly meetings are designed for revival in our own hearts. We are a training center and a resource to benefit and strengthen the Body of Christ so that through unity and a shared vision, we might ignite revival in our state.
In addition to our weekly meetings, REVIVAL ARIZONA hosts city-wide outdoor gatherings every few months to reach the lost and share the love of Jesus to our communities. These events can reach thousands. We set up our production stage and state-of-the-art audio system, bringing in nationally recognized and anointed worship bands and speakers to share the Gospel and minister to the lost. These events will provide many opportunities to serve, from setting up and tearing down to praying for the sick and ministering to the hurting.
..."that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. (John 17:21)
If you want to see revival in your own heart, your marriage, your family, and your city, REVIVAL ARIZONA is for you. If you want to pursue God more but aren't sure where to begin, REVIVAL ARIZONA is for you. It's a place for all believers from all walks: the hurting, the marginalized, those in any church or denomination, those who have been hurt by or have fallen away from the church.
REVIVAL ARIZONA needs YOU. It needs your direct calling, your spirit, your personality, everything about you. Together, we are stronger. Together, we can bring revival to the state of Arizona. Join us weekly and grow in the faith and knowledge of who we are in Christ. Learn to walk as Jesus did, as an overcomer. Revival has to happen within each of us before we can take it to our city. And it’s going to take all of us.
Explore our upcoming weekly gatherings and outdoor large events on our calendar.
Become a direct part of the revival, by joining our volunteer team.
Register your church in our partner program to grow the revival movement.
RAZ meets weekly to prepare spiritually and mentally for the revivals ahead.
Copyright © 2024 Revival Arizona - All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, April 2nd - 7:00PM
Living Word Mesa
3520 East Brown Road